How to Build a Custom React Form Hook

I’m taking an advanced React course and instead of powering through the tutorials to finish as fast as I can, I’m trying to slow down and make sure I understand each line of code. Naturally, I wanted to share for others to see and potentially benefit from.

The following lines of code come from a custom React hook to handle basic form submissions.

The Code

First, I created a function and initialized state for my form inputs. When the hook is called, I can pass default properties to it.

    import  {  useState  }  from  "react";

    export  default  function  useForm(initial  =  [])  {
        // create a state object for our inputs
        const  [inputs,  setInputs]  =  useState(initial);

I then created a function to handle the change of the form. It first destructures values from the event handler (using let because they will change). I then have some if statements checking to see if the input is a number or file because the behavior will change if either of those are true. Finally, I use the setInputs function to copy the current inputs and assign them to the value of the form. The spread operator copies the current inputs and overrides whatever is changed on the form. I wrote [name] because it allows the function to be dynamically used on a form that changes the price, the name, or something else.

    function  handleChange(e)  {
        let  {  value,  name,  type  }  =;

        if(type  ===  'number')  {
        value  =  parseInt(value);
        if(type  ===  'file'){
            value[0]  =;

            // copy the exisisting state

Finally, I have some simple functions to reset the form to the initial properties (what was passed when the useForm function was called) and clear the form so it’s empty.

The clearForm function is a bit confusing, but necessary. The Object.entries converts each of the inputs to arrays. Within each of those arrays are two other arrays, one for the property and one for the value. I then map over those arrays, destructure the key and value from them and assign new values of empty strings to them all. Finally, that’s wrapped in an outer Object.entries function to convert those arrays back into an object. Next, I pass the blankSlate function to our setInputs state to clear the forms with the empty values passed during the mapping.

    function  resetForm()  {

    function  clearForm()  {
        const  blankState  =  Object.fromEntries(
        Object.entries(inputs).map(([key,  value])  =>  [key,  ''])

In the end, I return each of the functions I want available when I use the hook.

    return  {