About me

I'm a professional video editor and designer, working on podcasts, YouTube, and social media. I hold a degree in Digital Media and Design from Southeastern University. I'm interested in books, history, science, writing, reading, computers, and coffee.

Currently, I work for Farnam Street. In addition to my work there, I also write online and share interesting quotes and ideas on Twitter. I have a profound love for words, books, and ideas. When I'm not working or running, you'll find me reading, coding, or writing. I have experience in React and NextJS.

For Work

  • I'm the Senior Digital Creator at Farnam Street. My primary responsibilities include creating videos for and managing our podcast's YouTube channel. Additionally, I write scripts and edit videos using our vast blog content. I also oversee the social media accounts for Farnam Street and The Knowledge Project. I also manage the bi-weekly production and release of new podcast episodes.

For Side Projects

  • During my leisure time, you'll find me reading, writing, or running.
  • Every Friday, I send out a weekly newsletter sharing valuable lessons, insights, and links I discover. You can sign up here.
  • I used to create videos on YouTube, but for now, I've put that on pause.

For Fun

  • When I'm not indulging in books or working, you can find me playing golf, watching golf, running, or spending quality time with friends and family. Golf and running are my main leisure activities, aside from reading.
  • I love running because I sweat and when I sweat I think better. I also think it's the best way to increase your mental discipline. As Seneca said, "We treat the body rigorously so that it may not be disobedient to the mind". I follow a simple push/pull split three days a week, and do a speed run, a tempo run, and a long run every week. I'm not training for anything. I just like to run.

Not so short bio

I try to understand how things work and explain them to other people. This site is is a record of my becoming of a person as I explore the intellectual, creative, philosophical, and spiritual questions in this world through extensive research of literature -- both young and old. A private journey made public in seek of the one true question we all ask at some point: who am I and what is all this? Whenever I can refer to wisdom from those who lived before me, I do. The following quote comes from Will Durant in The Map of Human Character and was the first time I was able to assign words to the inner motivation that drives me -- how can we best make sense of everything in the world?

Therefore I feel that we of this generation give too much time to news about the transient present, too little to the living past. We are choked with news, and starved of history. We know a thousand items about the day or yesterday, we learn the events and troubles and heartbreaks of a hundred peoples, the policies and pretensions of a dozen capitals, the victories and defeats of causes, armies, athletic teams.

But how, without history, can we understand these events, discriminate their significance, sift out the large from the small, see the basic currents underlying surface movements and changes, and foresee the result sufficiently to guard against fatal error or the souring of unreasonable hopes?"

Will Durant, The Map of Human Character

The legacy I hope to leave behind is similar to that of Albert Einstein's. Not his groundbreaking theories, but his curiosity and humility. After his death, The New York Times wrote this:

Man stands on this diminutive earth, gazes at the myriad of stars and upon billowing ocean and tossing trees--and wonders. What does it all mean? How did it come about? The most thoughtful wonderer who appeared among us in three centuries has passed on in the person of Albert Einstein.

"The most thoughtful wonderer." I love that. I hope those words are used to describe me one day.


You can find me on Twitter, GitHub, and YouTube.